Open Courses
Featured course
Resilient Mental Health and Well-Being
Everyone’s Mental Health Matters!
This course teaches you the basics of psychological well-being, as well as the knowledge and skills you need to give practical care and assistance to those affected by situations that may require them to adjust. Such situations include the loss of a loved one, being in a pandemic, or being affected by a typhoon.
Available Courses
Public Service Continuity Planning
With the release of the Public Service Continuity Planning (PSCP) Guidebook last month, the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation in partnership…
Championing Business Continuity
As Filipinos, we know how to deal with floods and typhoons. But what if an unprecedented disaster hits your locality…
Family Preparedness Planning
When a strong typhoon or earthquake hits your town, is your family ready? Do you already have a plan in…
COVID-19 ICT Courses by DREAM Team
What is it about? The COVID Documents Repository System Training Course was designed to train the Local Government Units (LGUs)…
COVIDKaya Information System LGU Training Course
The COVIDKaya Information System LGU Training Course was designed to introduce epidemiology and surveillance officers and health care providers to the COVIDKaya…
StaySafe Training Course
StaySafe is an app intended for LGU’s anti-COVID team. It is a tool to aid LGU’s track the COVID cases…
Upcoming Courses
Virtual Crisis Simulation Exercises and Drills (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon
Communication Strategies for Development (C4D)(Coming Soon)
Coming Soon
Post Conflict Recovery through innovations and social enterprise start ups (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon
Hazard and Disaster Analysis for Business Resilience (HANDA) for Member Companies (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon
Geographic Information Service (GIS) for Hazard Mapping (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon
Gender in Humanitarian Action and Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Planning for Barangays and Communities (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon