K3 aims to assess and update local government plans for COVID-19 response including infection prevention and control; surveillance; screening and triage; and diagnosis and management.
PDRF Brown University
March-June 2021
This webinar will tackle several important developments in the science behind COVID-19 vaccines.
Resilient Mental Health and Well-being
This roundtable discussion aims to address the pandemic-induced mental health challenges experienced by organizations and identify the practical applications of Psychological First Aid (PFA) in the workplace.
PSCP Mentorship Program
On-going: BATCH 3
This batch aims to work with 12 LGUs and 10 Hospitals to draft their public service continuity plan
Public Service Continuity Planning (Agencies – Batch 3)
With the release of the Public Service Continuity Planning (PSCP) Guidebook last month, the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation in partnership…
Health Resilience
Health Resilience is the ability of health systems to continue to deliver services in the face of constant challenge and…
Emergency Operations Center Design and Management (Level 1)
The Emergency Operations Center Design and Management Level 1 Course aims to present a technical roadmap to help organizations establish…
Learn how to navigate the following ICT courses!
What is it about? The COVID Documents Repository System Training Course was designed to train the Local Government Units (LGUs)…
COVIDKaya Information System LGU Training Course
The COVIDKaya Information System LGU Training Course was designed to introduce epidemiology and surveillance officers and health care providers to the COVIDKaya…
FASSSTER Disease Surveillance and Modeling Toolkit
What is it about? Feasibility Analysis of Syndromic Surveillance Using Spatio-Temporal Epidemiological ModeleR (FASSSTER) for early detection of diseases is…
StaySafe Training Course
StaySafe is an app intended for LGU’s anti-COVID team. It is a tool to aid LGU’s track the COVID cases…
TanodKontraCOVID (TKC) – COVID-19 response system
TKC is a COVID response application designed to integrate passive and active surveillance by providing citizens with innovative and accessible…
Yes, all the activities under Project K3 is free and available for your participation.
Sorry to hear that! Please send a message to iadapt@pdrf.org.ph
The Philippine Disaster
Resilience Foundation (PDRF), established in 2009, continues to be the private
sector’s vehicle for disaster risk reduction and management. Composed of more
than 80 corporate members from different industries, PDRF works with the
country’s largest businesses, local and international partner organizations, as
well as micro and small and medium-sized enterprises in promoting the culture
of resilience-building. More information at: https://www.pdrf.org/
NZAID – New Zealand Aid Programme delivers New Zealand’s official support for developing countries.
The purpose of New Zealand’s aid is to develop shared prosperity and stability in the Pacific and beyond, drawing on the best of New Zealand’s knowledge and skills. We support sustainable development in developing countries to reduce poverty and contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world.
MFAT staff in Wellington and at posts are responsible for managing the New Zealand Aid Programme, working with a wide range of partners.